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Success Story

Rebuilding and Redefining Team Success at a Top 5 National Bank

Change Management & Leadership Consulting

Business Outcomes

Over the course of Pepper Foster’s engagement, our team development program and workflow strategy delivered the following outcomes:

Challenges - Problem Statement

A wealth management team in a top 5 national bank, struggled with a dilemma: due to challenges attracting and retaining high quality team members, the team’s backlog of work had grown insurmountable, resulting in more turnover on the horizon. The client wanted to pursue a strategy to reduce attrition but lacked expertise to identify root causes of turnover, eliminate the team’s backlog, identify service gaps, and build a stable, successful team. The client’s largest challenges included:

Solution Approach

Using Pepper Foster’s strategic transformation experience and StratC&T framework our consulting team implemented a team development program and workflow strategy to solve for the client’s largest challenges:

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